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UGI is Working For You

14 Sep 2023

At UGI, safety is one of our core values. We know you and your family rely on UGI to ensure the safe delivery of energy to your home. UGI Utilities crews are continually working to replace natural gas mains and associated facilities, as well as complete a number of system enhancement projects to help keep our customers safe and comfortable in their communities.

Our crews work in the community and spend a lot of time on the road. We want to ensure our teams return home safely at the end of each day, and we want to make sure you stay safe on the roads, too.

When you see UGI or other construction crews in work zones, please keep these tips in mind:

  • Slow down. Speeds may be reduced in work zones to make it safer for travelers to navigate narrow lanes or lane shifts while keeping workers safe. Adjust your speed for weather conditions and traffic flows.
  •  Give yourself space. Don’t tailgate. Leave at least three seconds of braking room in between you and the vehicle in front of you. Also be aware of narrow lanes and larger vehicles and give them some extra space to navigate.
  • Stay alert. Be prepared for sudden stops. Avoid distractions, such as changing the radio or using a cell phone. Keep an eye on workers, flaggers and equipment. There isn’t always a lot of room between the work area and travel lanes, so please be considerate when you see workers.
  • Follow the signs. If flaggers and/or signage are present, please follow their directions. Do not drive around cones or ignore flaggers—they’re there for your safety!

For a list of our current projects and to see if crews are in your area, visit www.ugi.com/CurrentProjects. Thank you for entrusting us with your business, and for joining us in the effort to keep your families, neighbors, and our employees healthy and safe.