UGI’s Electric Division Utilizing New Weather Information Technology to Increase Preparedness
16 Feb 2024
Snow has returned this winter. Mix in some ice and high winds, and the conditions can lead to power outages. UGI’s Storm Team now has new tools to help predict weather challenges, and better prepare to respond and restore electricity.
When severe weather is in the forecast, UGI uses a weather service for updates on timing and potential impact. In addition to forecasts, UGI also now uses its own weather stations.

UGI’s weather stations provide local data on wind speed and direction, rain amounts, and humidity. This allows UGI to make outage predictions and determine resources needed if outages do happen. Three weather stations are up and running in UGI’s electric service area. Three more will soon be ready to go.

The same predicting and planning will continue when the weather warms again and summer thunderstorms are on the radar. In addition to data collected from its weather stations, UGI will also rely on a new lightning detection system that sends alerts if lighting is close to its service territory.
“We try to mitigate hazards to our electric system as much as we can,” said Bruce Graybill, UGI Emergency Planner. “Weather in Northeast PA is hard to forecast because there’s a lot of different terrain. I’m thankful to have a great team here that I can rely on to keep our customers, colleagues and communities safe.”