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  1. Notices

Notice of Proposed Rate Changes

To Our Customers:

UGI Utilities – Gas Division is filing a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) to increase your natural gas rates as of March 28, 2025. This notice describes the company’s rate request, the PUC’s role, and what actions you can take.
UGI Utilities – Gas Division has requested an overall rate increase of $110.4 million per year. If the company’s entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential customer using 73.7 ccf per month would increase from $104.47 to $115.74 per month or by 10.8%.

The total bill for a typical commercial heating customer using 28.3 mcf per month would increase from $305.44 to $331.80 per month or by 8.6%.

The total bill for a typical industrial customer using 75.4 mcf per month would increase from $765.99 to $823.42 per month or by 7.5%.

To find out your customer class or how the requested increase may affect your gas bill, contact UGI Utilities – Gas Division at: 1-800-276-2722. The rates requested by the company may be found in proposed Supplement No. 55 to UGI Gas Tariff Numbers 7 & 7S. You may examine the material filed with the PUC which explains the requested increase and the reasons for it. A copy of this material is kept at UGI’s office. Upon request, the company will send you the Statement of Reasons for proposed Supplement No. 55 to UGI Gas Tariff Numbers 7 & 7S, explaining why the rate increase has been requested.

The state agency which approves rates for public utilities is the PUC. The PUC will examine the requested rate increase and can prevent existing rates from changing until it investigates and/or holds hearings on the request. The company must prove that the requested rates are reasonable. After examining the evidence, the PUC may grant all, some, or none of the request or may reduce existing rates.
The PUC may change the amount of the rate increase requested by the utility for each customer class. As a result, the rate charged to you may be different than the rate requested by the company and shown above.

  1. There are ways to challenge a company’s request to change its rates:
    You can file a formal complaint. If you want a hearing before a judge, you must file a formal complaint. By filing a formal complaint, you assure yourself the opportunity to take part in hearings about the rate increase request. All complaints should be filed with the PUC before March 28, 2025. If no formal complaints are filed, the Commission may grant all, some, or none of the request without holding a hearing before a judge. You can send the PUC a letter telling them why you object to the requested rate increase. Sometimes there is information in these letters that makes us aware of problems with the company’s service or management. This information can be helpful when we investigate the rate request. Send your letter or request for a formal complaint form to The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Post Office Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Forms may also be downloaded at: https://www.puc.pa.gov/filing-resources/forms/complaint-forms/.
  2. You can be a witness at a public input hearing. Public input hearings are held if the Commission opens an investigation of the company’s rate increase requested and if there is a large number of customers interested in the case. At these hearings you have the opportunity to present your views in person to the PUC judge hearing the case and the company representatives. All testimony given “under oath” becomes part of the official rate case record. These hearings are held in the service area of the company.

For more information, call the PUC at 1-800-692-7380. You may leave your name and address so you can be notified of any public input hearings that may be scheduled in this case.

Aviso de cambios de tarifas propuestos

Para nuestros clientes:

UGI Utilities, Departamento de Gas está presentando una solicitud ante la Comisión de Servicios Públicos de Pensilvania (Public Utility Commission, PUC) para aumentar sus tarifas de gas natural desde el 28 de marzo de 2025. En este aviso, se describen la solicitud de cambios de tarifas de la compañía, la función de la PUC y qué medidas puede tomar usted.

UGI Utilities, Departamento de Gas ha solicitado un aumento general de la tarifa de $110.4 millones por año. Si se aprueba la totalidad de la solicitud de la compañía, el total de la factura residencial para un cliente que utiliza 73.7 ccf por mes aumentaría de $104.47 a $115.74 por mes, o en un 10.8 %.

El total de la factura de calefacción comercial habitual para un cliente que usa 28.3 mcf por mes aumentaría de $305.44 a $331.80 por mes, o en un 8.6 %.

El total de la factura industrial habitual para un cliente que usa 75.4 mcf por mes aumentaría de $765.99 a $823.42 por mes, o en un 7.5 %.

Para averiguar qué tipo de cliente es o cómo el aumento solicitado puede afectar su factura de gas, comuníquese con UGI Utilities, Departamento de Gas, al 1-800-276-2722. Las tarifas solicitadas por la compañía pueden encontrarse en el “Supplement No. 55 to UGI Gas Tariff Numbers 7 & 7S” (suplemento N.° 55 correspondiente a los números 7 y 7S de la tarifa de gas de UGI) propuesto. Puede consultar el material presentado ante la PUC, en el cual se explica el aumento solicitado y los motivos de este. Una copia de este material se conserva en la oficina de UGI. A solicitud, la compañía le enviará la Declaración de Motivos para el “Supplement No. 3552 to UGI Gas Tariff Numbers 7 & 7S” propuesto, en la cual se explicará por qué se ha solicitado el aumento de la tarifa.

El organismo estatal que aprueba las tarifas para los servicios públicos es la PUC. Esta examinará el aumento de tarifas solicitado y puede evitar que las tarifas existentes cambien hasta que lleve a cabo investigaciones o celebre audiencias en relación con la solicitud. La compañía debe probar que las tarifas solicitadas sean razonables. Después de examinar la evidencia, la PUC puede aprobar la solicitud en parte o en su totalidad, puede rechazarla o puede reducir las tarifas existentes.

A su vez, puede cambiar el monto del aumento de la tarifa solicitado por la compañía de servicios públicos para cada tipo de cliente. Como resultado, la tarifa que se le cobra podría ser diferente a la tarifa solicitada por la compañía e indicada anteriormente.

Existen algunas maneras de disputar la solicitud de cambio de tarifas de una compañía:

  1. Puede presentar una queja formal. Si desea que se celebre una audiencia ante un juez, debe presentar una queja formal. Al presentar una queja formal, se asegura de tener la oportunidad de participar en audiencias en relación con la solicitud de aumento de tarifas. Todas las reclamaciones deben presentarse ante la PUC antes del 28 de marzo de 2025. Si no se presentan quejas formales, la Comisión puede aprobar la solicitud en parte o en su totalidad, o puede rechazarla sin celebrar una audiencia ante un juez. Puede enviarle a la PUC una carta en la que les indique por qué se opone al aumento de tarifas solicitado. A veces, estas cartas contienen información que nos permite estar al tanto de los problemas con el servicio o la administración de la compañía. Esta información puede ser útil cuando investiguemos la solicitud de cambio de tarifas. Envíe su carta o su solicitud para recibir un formulario de queja formal a Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Post Office Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Los formularios también se pueden descargar en https://www.puc.pa.gov/filing-resources/forms/complaint-forms/.
  2. Puede actuar como testigo en una audiencia de opinión pública. Las audiencias de opinión pública se celebran si la Comisión inicia una investigación en relación con la solicitud de aumento de tarifas de la compañía y si hay una gran cantidad de clientes interesados en el caso. En estas audiencias, usted tiene la oportunidad de exponer sus puntos de vista en persona ante el juez de la PUC que atiende el caso y ante los representantes de la compañía. Todo testimonio que se preste “bajo juramento” formará parte del expediente oficial del caso de tarifas. Estas audiencias se celebran en el área de servicio de la compañía.

Para obtener más información, llame a la PUC al 1-800-692-7380. Puede dejar su nombre y dirección para que se le notifique sobre cualquier audiencia pública relativa a este caso que pueda programarse.

Notice of Maryland Hearing



CASE NO 9516(g)


An evidentiary hearing in this matter is hereby scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2024 at 1:00pm. The purpose of this hearing is to review and determine the appropriateness of UGI Utilities, Inc.’s Purchase Gas Adjustment Charge during the period October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024. The evidentiary hearing will be conducted virtually and will be live streamed.

The Public Utility Law Judge Division’s YouTube Channel can be found using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYK5mu0UMAUOqSQowRq2TIQ.

Questions about this hearing should be directed to psc.pulj@gmail.com.

Reasonable accommodations will be made at Public Service Commission proceedings for qualified persons with disabilities, if requested 5 days in advance of the proceeding. Dial 410-767-8000 or 1-800-492-0474 or access the prior numbers through the Maryland Relay Service at 1-800-735-2258.

Notice of Electric Default Service Plan Petition

To Our Customers:

UGI Utilities, Inc. -Electric Division (UGI Electric) filed a petition for Public Utility Commission (PUC) approval of a Default Service Plan (DSP) to be effective June 1, 2025 – May 31, 2029, following expiration of its current DSP.

Customers who are served by UGI Electric and do not choose an electric generation supplier are served under the company’s default service plan, also known as a DSP. By law, UGI Electric purchases electric generation through competitive energy auctions and passes the cost of electricity to our customers at no profit. Customers may call UGI Electric at 1-800-276-2722 to receive further information on the proposed plan or to find out what actions they may take. A copy of the proposal will be available at www.ugi.com/rate-filing.

The proposed plan is subject to examination by the PUC. The PUC will schedule hearings to determine the appropriateness of the procurement plan. The Company will have the burden to prove that the proposed plan is reasonable. After examining the evidence, the PUC may approve, deny, or modify UGI Electric’s proposed DSP.

You can challenge the Company’s request by (1) filing a formal complaint,
(2) sending a letter to the PUC or (3) testifying at a public input hearing if one is held. If you want a hearing before a judge, you must file a formal complaint. By filing a formal complaint, you assure yourself the opportunity to take part in hearings about the plan. Public input hearings may be scheduled by the Commission if a large number of customers express interest in the case. At these hearings, you will have the opportunity to present your views in person to the presiding PUC judge and Company representatives. All testimony given “under oath” becomes part of the official record. These hearings will either be held in the service area of the Company or as technology-enabled smart hearings.

Letters or requests for a formal complaint form should be addressed to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Post Office Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Your letter or formal complaint can be filed electronically with the PUC. Information regarding electronic filing is available at https://efiling.puc.pa.gov/.

For more information, call the PUC at 1-800-692-7380. You may leave your name and address so you can be notified of any public input hearings that may be scheduled in this case.

Notice of Proposed Rate Change

To Our Customers:

UGI Utilities, Inc. – Gas Division (UGI) has announced that its purchased gas cost rate will increase on June 1, 2024. As a result, the total bill for the typical residential heating, commercial heating and industrial retail customer will increase by 4.5%, 6.0% and 6.5% respectively on June 1.

In addition, UGI has filed a request with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) to increase purchased gas cost rates for those customers who purchase their natural gas supply from the company as of December 1, 2024. This notice describes the company’s rate request, the PUC’s role, and what actions you can take.

A purchased gas cost rate is designed to recover the costs of natural gas supplies which the company purchases from the wholesale supply market on behalf of those customers who purchase supply from the company. UGI passes the cost of these activities on to the customer at the price UGI pays. The rate that is determined in the annual purchased gas cost case will be recalculated to reflect actual gas costs on a quarterly basis and may be subject to change if the recalculated rate differs from the rate that is currently in effect by more than two percent.

If the company’s entire request is approved, the total bill for a residential customer using 73.6 hundred cubic feet (ccf), and purchasing supply from UGI, would increase from $95.04 to $101.99 per month or by 7.3%. The total bill for a commercial customer using 28.8 thousand cubic feet (Mcf), and purchasing supply from UGI, would increase from $278.05 to $304.68 per month or by 9.6%. The total bill for an industrial customer using 92.4 thousand cubic feet (Mcf), and purchasing supply from UGI, would increase from $829.49 to $915.03 per month or by 10.3%.

Customers who purchase their natural gas from a PUC-licensed Natural Gas Supplier (“NGS”) may be affected by this proceeding.

To find out how the requested rates may affect your bill, you may contact the Company at 1-800-276-2722. You may examine a copy of the information filed with the Commission in support of its proposed purchased gas cost rates in the Company’s offices.

The state agency which approves rates for public utilities is the PUC. The company must prove that the requested rates are reasonable. After examining the evidence, the PUC may grant all, some, or none of the request.

There are ways to challenge a company’s request to change its rates:

  1. You can file a formal complaint. If you want a hearing before a judge, you must file a formal complaint. By filing a formal complaint, you assure yourself the opportunity to take part in hearings about the rate increase request. All complaints should be filed with the PUC as soon as possible. You can send the PUC a letter telling why you object to the requested rate increase. Sometimes there is information in these letters that makes us aware of problems with the company’s service or management. This information can be helpful when the PUC investigates the rate request. Send your letter or request for a formal complaint form to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, Post Office Box 3265, Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265. Forms may also be downloaded at: https://www.puc.pa.gov/filing-resources/forms/complaint-forms/.
  2. You can be a witness at a public input hearing. Public input hearings may be held if there is a large number of customers interested in the case. At these hearings you have the opportunity to present your views in person to the PUC judge hearing the case and the company representatives. All testimony given ‘‘under oath’’ becomes part of the official case record. These hearings are held in the service area of the company or as technology-enabled smart hearings.

For more information, call the PUC at 1-800-692-7380. You may leave your name and address so you can be notified of any public input hearings that may be scheduled in this case.